This is your 2024-2025 executive:
Past President: Amanda Missler
President: Trish Thomas
Vice-President: Terry-Lynn King
Treasurer: Ronda LaHaye
Recording Secretary: Glenna Lingley
Membership Officer: Nicole Challenger
Shop Stewards: Contact a Steward if you have a question or concern at your workplace or questions about the collective agreement. There are steps to follow for dealing with issues or situations that may come up.
- Contact a Job Steward: they will listen to the situation and decide on how to proceed.
- If necessary the Job Steward will contact the Grievance Committee
- The Grievance Committee will determine if a grievance may be filed.
- The committee will then contact the president, executive and CUPE rep
- Amanda Missler
- Joyce Baker
- Deb Rhodes
Good of the Union: Notify these members of prolonged illness, losses or retirements of members
- Ronda LaHaye
- Joyce Baker
Grievance Committee
- Amanda Missler
- Laurel Boxell
- Joyce Baker
PD Committee
- Glenna Lingley
- Pearl Anne Gooding
- Deb Rhodes
- Annette Nesbitt
- Sarah Halsey
Negotiation Committee
- Trish Thomas
- Terry-Lynn King
- Amanda Missler
- Joyce Baker
- Glenna Lingley
CUPE in the Community
- Lacy Boxell
- Annette Nesbitt
- Arlene Parker
- Jeremy Julyan
- Tammy Sparks
- Joyce Baker