CUPE 1606 represents school support staff in the Buffalo Trail Public School Division. Our schools are listed below. Simply click on a school to visit their website.
- Amisk School
- Clandonald School
- Delnorte (Innisfree) School
- Dewberry School
- Dr. Folkins Community School (Chauvin)
- EH Walter School (Paradise Valley)
- Edgerton School
- Hughenden School
- Irma School
- JR Robson School (Vermilion)
- Kitscoty Elementary School
- Kitscoty Jr/Sr High School
- Mannville School
- Marwayne Jubilee School
- Provost School
- Students Online School
- Vermilion Outreach School
- Vermilion Elementary School
- Wainwright Elementary School
- Wainwright High School